Discover the Essence of Fé: Unique, Luxurious, and Rooted in Napoletana Tradition
Fé, meticulously built by our visionary Founder & Artistic Director, Feliciana Cacciapuoti, is dedicated to delivering exceptional designs that are not only unique and luxurious but also affordable. With deep roots in her Napoletana (Italian) heritage, Feliciana infuses each piece with cultural symbolism, featuring the Italian Horn Cornicello (Corno) and Mano Cornuto to ward off negativity and provide added protection against bad luck.
At Fé, the name itself carries a profound meaning. It stands for Faith—a core energy that drives our work and radiates throughout our collections. This energy is not only embodied by us but will undeniably resonate with you as well.
Experience the essence of Neapolitan superstition, culture, texture, and design with Fé. Capturing the undeniable spirit that Napoli bestows upon every visitor is our mission. We not only seek to encapsulate that feeling but also to pay homage to those who have paved the way before us.
Unravel the Meaning of Mano Cornuto: Derived from ancient Italian origins, the Mano Cornuto is a powerful amulet that signifies protection against the evil eye. Represented by a hand gesture with extended index and little fingers, while the middle and ring fingers are curled into the palm, the Mano Cornuto is an emblem of spiritual defense. Similar to other hand gestures and symbols that repel negativity, such as the Hamsa hand, the eye-in-hand, and the Mano Fico (fig hand), it holds an integral place in guarding against harm.
Embrace the Significance of Cornicello: The lucky horn, known as O'Curniciello, holds great significance in Neapolitan superstition. Its power lies in warding off negativity, fear, and danger. The horn's tip is traditionally used to gently prick the palm of the right hand, symbolizing the infusion of good luck. To truly harness its potency, the horn must be given or acquired from Partenopeo (Naples) itself, which is why all the horns included in your order are carefully made and sourced from Naples, Italy.
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Fé, where exceptional design and ancient traditions intertwine. Experience the protection, luck, and timeless elegance that our collections bestow, honoring the richness of Napoletana heritage.